Tree Tomato Sorbet in Nairobi | Italian Ice Cream

Nothing beats a scoop or three of delightfully refreshing Lemon mist sorbet on a hot Summer's day or after a sumptuous meal shared among friends and family. Lemon scent certainly uplifts our mood, and stimulates the nervous system.

KSh 2,500


Tree Tomato sorbet is a signature offering for Fior Di Latte Gelato. The tree tomato trees in our orchard come from many years from the family. It is a heritage of planting and nurturing tree tomatos for over 100 years. They are fondly known as Nyaruita’s Tree Tomatos.

Tree Tomatos have great antioxidant properties. The flesh is juicy, deep, sweet yet tangy, flavourful, filled with many tiny, edible seeds that are slightly larger than in tomatoes.

To create this refreshing treat, we use the juice from our orchard grown Tree Tomatos to create a this memorable lemon mist sorbet. We blend it, churn it slowly as we freeze it, creating a melt in your mouth, unbelievable smooth texture.

All our sorbets are dairy free, made with real fruit that is in season, and have no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Delightfully refreshing!


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