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Slumber Party
Adam Muoki - on May 17, 2017

Snuggle up and watch blockbuster movies kinda weekend or call up your friends for an evening of laughter that turns into a slumber party and we have the perfect party starter pack. Our gelato and sorbet is intensely delicious with less fat and calories than ice cream making it the healthy option. Choose from Velvety Vanilla, Perky Pistachio,Creamy Caramel …add a twist and turn on the taste bud with some naughty and nice Frozen cocktails and it’s a cocktail party already. flavours such as the Cuban Mojito garnished with our very own mint leaves some passion in a martini to come up with our very own passion tini , Some coconut and rum together with some pineapples to bring out The pina colada or have an old but fresh Old fashioned frozen cocktail with some whiskey and bourbon.Can’t get enough of that, well what’s a movie without some Pop mania gourmet popcorn with the old school naked popcorn or tantalizing cookies and cream, some pop mania spice or even bust out with hearty laughter while enjoying butterscotch burst,What’s a party without cake and not just cake but ice creamy, yummy gelato cake just how you like it and with offers such as; decadent triple layer gelato cake that is sensationally delicious, how can that not be on your list.Besides that you can enjoy Kenya’s beautiful sunset with some smooth fruit smoothies which are made of home grown berries and herbs leaving a natural mystic in your mouth to wind up a great weekend. They include Mango Tango, Strawberry Lemonade and Tree Tomato.
We also have a sugar-free, dairy-free; vegan friendly range. We don’t leave out our lactose intolerant or gluten sensitive folks out there. No preservatives neither do they have any artificial additives