KSh 59,500
“Biscotto Cookie” has been added to your basket. View basket
KSh 1,250 – KSh 2,500 -
Birthday Cakes
KSh 4,000 -
Biscotto Cookie
KSh 2,500 -
Cheeky Chocolate
KSh 2,500 -
Coffee Gelato
KSh 2,500 -
KSh 300 -
Creamy Caramel Gelato
KSh 2,500 -
Fior Di Latte Gelato
KSh 2,000 -
Fruits of the Forest
KSh 2,500 -
Gelato Cake – Three Layer 2kg
KSh 6,000 -
Gelato Cake -Two Flavours
KSh 4,000 -