Category: Uncategorized
International Women’s Day
Tanguy - on March 8, 2021
To celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) 2021, we and other mumpreneurs spoke with Mums Villlage about turning the ordinary from the extraordinary. #linkinbio for a sneak peak into what drives them #ChooseToChallenge.
Read moreLactose Intolerant
Tanguy - on February 12, 2021
Saturdays are for hangouts at Fior Di Latte and a number of cool kids have got the drift. They love to come and hangout at the store as they catch up and wait for there guardians to pick them up. As they hangout they tend to buy different flavors of Gelato as they share amongst […]
Read moreThe Artisanal Market
Nyaruita - on July 6, 2020
Celebrating Kenya’s finest master craftsmen and women is what the Artisanal Market is all about. We want to create a community of people who appreciate locally made, natural and sustainable products. The products will include a variety of handcrafted items ranging from unique jewellery pieces to amazing authentic interior design pieces to adorn your home. […]
Nyaruita - on July 5, 2020
When you walk into Fior Di Latte , you are greeted with a beautiful display of fresh, creamy, eye-catching treats. If you’re looking to watch your weight and overall health, this display could be intimidating. You’d probably think to yourself, “There’s no way such yummy looking desserts could both excite my taste buds and still […]
Read moreGelato for lunch – Healthier than a Sandwich!
Adam Muoki - on September 15, 2017
Sandwiches who doesn’t love a good filling Sandwich? Sandwiches come in different types and sizes and they are easy to make and are healthy because they are rich in fiber, proteins, iron and vitamins. Something cool about Sandwiches is how it’s easy to prepare one and to carry to work. At times we substitute it […]
Read moreThe cuban Mojito
Adam Muoki - on September 15, 2017
Flavour Description The cuban Mojito has a minty refreshing sensation that is quite naughty and nice. The mint will leave you craving for more and the alcohol content will definitely leave you with a delightful buzz. Our Naughty and Nice is served as a sorbet . Heritage The mojito was born on the island of […]
Read moreThe Best Dessert
Adam Muoki - on July 11, 2017
The Best Dessert Gelato is the best Dessert. There’s nothing more relaxing and comforting after a hectic day as a scoop of Gelato. In case you don’t know what gelato is, Gelato means frozen, in Italian. So gelato is basically any frozen dessert. But for most people, gelato is Italian ice cream! We are not […]
Read moreSlumber Party
Adam Muoki - on May 17, 2017
Snuggle up and watch blockbuster movies kinda weekend or call up your friends for an evening of laughter that turns into a slumber party and we have the perfect party starter pack. Our gelato and sorbet is intensely delicious with less fat and calories than ice cream making it the healthy option. Choose from Velvety […]
Read moreDid you know Plum is a Super Fruit?
Adam Muoki - on February 1, 2017
Did you know that Plums are a Super Fruit? December is Plum season! As you drive along the highway towards Kinangop and Limuru, ngunias (sacks) full of ripe bright red plums line up the fairway, beckoning us to savour their delicious flavour. Plums are a prefect antidote to a Kenyan summer’s day. We love our […]
Read moreDid you Know Plum is a Super Fruit?
Adam Muoki - on January 31, 2017
Did you know that Plums are a Super Fruit? December is Plum season! As you drive along the highway towards Kinangop and Limuru, ngunias (sacks) full of ripe bright red plums line up the fairway, beckoning us to savour their delicious flavour. Plums are a prefect antidote to a Kenyan summer’s day. We love our […]
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